There are two reasons a person can start a sport: either he or she wants to start exercising or circumstances force him or her to do so, such as health problems. Very often, doctors recommend that a person engage in sports or physical activity when he or she has various health complications.

Everyone who wants to start practicing any kind of sport should pay attention to swimming. And there are at least three reasons for that. By the way, doctors recommend swimming because it is available to many people.

Physical accessibility.

When it comes to physical accessibility, swimming will suit almost everyone. Many people will not be able to afford to do other sports due to their specifics. For example, a person has too much weight and cannot do running because of the high impact load on the joints.

Impact on health

Surely anyone who has ever watched a swimming competition has noticed how well-rounded the athlete’s body is. A big plus and feature of swimming is the fact that during the class all the muscles of the body are involved.

Swimming has a positive effect on the physical preparation of both adults and children. From a young age, a child develops proper posture, a strong immune system, coordination of movements, endurance, and logical thinking.

Swimming is considered one of the best sports for the development of the lungs and cardiovascular system. While an average person’s lung volume is 3.5-5 liters, swimmers usually have more than 6 liters. Swimming is a cyclic sport, which means the body gets aerobic load during exercise. This type of exercise has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. In addition, it is known that people engaged in cyclic sports, even at amateur level, have a lower predisposition to various cardiovascular diseases.

Also, due to regular training in the pool can be a good way to lose excess fat. And all because of the fact that in the process of training involved the whole body. If you go to the pool just to swim, not swim, you can burn about 400-500 calories for every half hour of training, depending on the complexity and intensity of the exercise.

Speaking about the impact of swimming on the health of the body, it should be noted that swimming itself is almost incapable of harming a person. Swimming does not imply any health risks, unlike many other sports. By training in the pool, you need to “try very hard” to tear a muscle or damage your joints. In swimming there is no impact load like in running for example, all the load received is stretching the muscles and body, which is very good for overall development.

Monetary Costs

Swimming can be called a financially affordable sport. For such a hobby you do not need to spend a lot of money. From the sports equipment you only need swimming trunks or swimming suit, goggles and flip-flops. All this costs a little. If you do swimming seriously, then later you can think about buying special equipment for training. Of course, you cannot do without a season ticket to the swimming pool. Passes to the pool are no less than gym membership, and sometimes even more. But even so, the costs are not very high. And in general, in terms of financial investment, most other sports will be less affordable than swimming.

To summarize, if a person has a goal to become more enduring and slender, to improve health, then the choice in favor of swimming will be quite justified.

Posted in fantasy sports

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